Monday, May 9, 2011


Written and Illustrations by: Rufus Butler Seder
Design by: Raquel Jaramillo
Published by: Working Publishing Company, INC.
Genre: Scanimation Picture Book
Readability Lexile: ?

This book is about different activities children can do. It has a page for baseball, soccer, riding a bicycle, running, cart wheels, spinning on the ice, basketball, swimming, and then celebrating. It  gets children motivated to do activities. It also says the sounds that each thing makes while it shows a child doing it in actual motion.

This is a high literature good. It has a great message to it about getting children up and active. It also says the noises each thing makes like what it sounds like when someone hits a ball with a bat. Every time you turn the page it shows that activity in action. At the end of the book it says all the things that you can do and then it tells you to celebrate for going them. It shows children that exercise is important in a fun way. It is a scanimations book so it is as if you are watching a film when you flip the pages. It is very visual and the color coordinates with the text.

Literary Elements:
                -Theme- The theme of this book is for children to get up and get active through activities and sports that are shown in the book. It is very worthwhile and by doing the things that the theme introduces it is a way to help children stay healthy.
                - Style- The style of this book is scanimation. When you flip the pages it activates something in the book to make the pictures turn to motion.
Mini Lesson:
I would teach the theme for this book. It is very important for children to stay active and healthy, so after reading this book we would go out on the school ground and do the things that it said in the book.

The illustrations in this book were scanimation. When you turn the page it shows motion of what the text says. It shows the action of what the text explains.

Target Audience:
Early Elementary

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